
The Latest from Coastal Spray

Commercial tree trimming and pruning help ensure the landscaping around your business looks its best. This is important for ensuring your guests feel great about your business and letting your employees know that appearance is valued in all aspects of your company. We’ve discussed this before in our approach to routine landscaping and why it’s good for your business. It bears repeating because safety and company confidence are integral to the…

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When selling commercial property, first impressions matter. And nothing makes a stronger first impression than a well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing landscape. Potential buyers often decide whether they're interested in a property based on its curb appeal. Sell Your Property Faster with these 8 Commercial Landscaping Tips As a business owner looking to sell your property faster and at a better price, investing in your landscaping can be a game-changer. Here…

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If not correctly cared for, trees can pose significant risks during and after a storm, including falling branches, uprooting, and property damage. This is why tree pruning and preparedness this hurricane season is crucial for safety and damage prevention. Tree Preparation Before the Storm: Ensuring Safety and Reducing Damage When a hurricane or tropical storm is on the horizon, building owners and property managers often focus on securing loose objects…

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Dealing with a fruit fly infestation can be a frustrating experience, but the good news is that there are steps you can take to prevent these pesky insects from returning. Understanding Fruit Flies and Their Lifecycle So, fruit flies, those tiny little bugs you see buzzing around your fruit bowl, have a pretty interesting life cycle. It all starts when they lay their eggs on the surface of ripe or…

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Have you ever wondered why rats chew on electrical wiring and what you can do to prevent it? The proactive pest control experts at Coastal Spray break it down in this guide. Why Do Rats Chew on Electrical Wiring? Rats chew on electrical wires primarily for instinct, necessity, and dental health. Their constant need to chew is an innate instinct to keep their teeth from growing too long. Gnawing on…

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