Pipeline Right-of-Way Maintenance | Methods, Benefits, FAQs

pipeline right-of-way maintenance

Pipeline right-of-way maintenance is an essential process that every pipeline operator should be aware of. It helps to determine the condition and integrity of pipelines, which can significantly reduce risks for potential leaks, ruptures, or worse. This article focuses on the importance of keeping the right-of-way clear and free for pipeline maintenance companies. It will also provide information on what you can do to help maintain this right-of-way.

Pipeline Right-of-Way

The right-of-way is an area that pipeline maintenance companies use to access, maintain, and repair pipelines.

The pipeline right-of-way refers to the land on either side of a pipeline that has been granted to a company for its exclusive use. It can be thought of as a strip of land that belongs to a company. The right-of-way typically extends 100 feet on either side of the pipeline.

Clearing the Right-of-Way for Pipelines – Why Does it Matter?

Pipeline right of way clearing is a vital process in the construction and operation of oil and gas pipelines. Pipelines are a major part of the world’s energy infrastructure. But because they’re often located in low-population areas, it can be challenging to get the right-of-way from landowners and government agencies before construction or maintenance can begin.

A company’s ability to clear its own right-of-way is often limited by the location, geography, or available resources. As a result, pipeline operators are constantly looking for new ways to improve safety and maintain their pipelines’ integrity. One way they do this is by working with contractors specializing in pipeline right-of-way clearing services.

Coastal Spray is an expert pipeline right of way services provider. As one of the industry’s most trusted and respected ROW companies, we are committed to providing best-in-class service to all our industrial clients. Get in touch today.

The Process

The process of clearing the right of way begins with an initial survey. An industrial grounds maintenance company will use this survey to find out what is on the land, where they need to go, and what they need to take care of before clearing begins. They will also use this time to make sure that all utilities have been marked out as well as any other potential hazards. Once this has been completed, they will start cutting down trees and removing brush and other obstructions from the pipeline’s path.

pipeline clearing

The Importance of Pipeline ROW Maintenance

Maintaining a clear, accessible right of way (ROW) is crucial for protecting pipelines, as well as the surrounding properties, communities, and environment. Trees, brush, fences, and other obstacles can hinder an operator’s ability to perform necessary pipeline duties and respond to emergencies. In addition, there are many consequences of uncleared trees and brush.

  • Tree roots can damage the protective coatings on pipelines, increasing the risk of corrosion, leaks, and failures.
  • Operators cannot efficiently monitor pipeline activity to detect leaks or unauthorized excavation.
  • Excess vegetation impedes emergency responder access in the event of an emergency.
  • Authorized personnel are unable to conduct routine maintenance and inspections.

Pipeline Right-of-Way FAQs

What types of pipelines require ROW clearing?

Gathering lines, transmission lines, and distribution lines are the most common pipeline types requiring maintenance clearing.

How can I get a map of my property’s pipeline right of way?

Most utility companies offer free maps of your property’s pipeline right of way if you request them in writing.

What are the different categories of pipeline ROW clearing?

There are many different instances of pipeline right-of-way maintenance and clearing. These include agricultural, forest, residential, commercial, and industrial.

pipeline clearing

Choose Coastal Spray for Expert Pipeline Right of Way Services

For 40+ years, Coastal Spray has provided quality pipeline right-of-way maintenance and vegetation management services to industrial clients across 12 states. Let us work with you to find the perfect industrial grounds maintenance services for your business. We also specialize in brush clearing service, duckweed control, fogging pest control, and pest control for apartment buildings.

Give us a call at (866) 392-2144 to get started today!