Tree & Shrub Care — Maintenance Tips & Techniques

tree & shrub care

Tree and shrub care starts when you select the plant. The care and maintenance the tree or shrub receives during the first few years determine everything from its health and shape to the plant’s lifespan. When you follow these simple steps, you can keep your commercial landscaping thriving for years.

The Ultimate Guide to Tree & Shrub Care for Business Owners

Healthy greenery starts with selecting suitable trees and shrubs for your purpose. For example, do you want the plant to provide shade and privacy, act as a windbreak, or is it for aesthetics? Knowing how you will use the trees and shrubs will make it easier to select the right plants.  


Finding the right spot to plant your tree or shrub is crucial for its health. You also want to check your hardiness zone. Some plants perform better in cooler climates, while others thrive in the heat. Check the soil conditions and sun exposure. You also want to ensure the space will give the plant enough room to grow and spread.


Mulching involves adding inorganic and organic matter to the soil. It improves the soil’s health and assists with moisture retention. It also limits weed growth. Mulching regularly is a vital part of tree and shrub maintenance. Lay down a layer of mulch around the base of the tree, between one to four inches deep. You can use bark, leaf debris, pine needles, cardboard, and other biodegradable items.


Trees and shrubs benefit from pruning. It improves the plant’s strength and helps it keep its shape. During tree pruning, you want to remove any dead or diseased branches. For shrubs, you can trim away any excess growth.

You can skip pruning more giant trees but keep up with thinning the branches. It helps ensure healthy growth throughout the season.


Watering trees and shrubs is a crucial part of landscape maintenance. Newly planted trees and shrubs require good soakings to help the root system settle into the ground. Regular watering is essential for plants younger than three or four years. However, older specimens have deep root systems and do not require frequent watering, especially if there is a layer of mulch. Only water mature plants when the soil is dry.


The layer of mulch around the plant’s base provides some nutrients. The organic material in the mulch is often enough to keep mature specimens healthy, but younger trees and shrubs often require additional nutrients. Be careful not to over-fertilize and follow the packaging’s instructions. It’s also best to use a fertilizer formulated for trees and shrubs.

Additional Tree and Shrub Care Tips

tree and shrub care

Pest Management

Trees and shrubs of any age can fall victim to pests. The type of insects that threaten your plants typically depends on the type of tree or shrub. It’s a good idea to regularly inspect the branches, leaves, trunk, and surrounding soil for any signs of insect activity. Use a spray or other product formulated for your issue when pests are present.

Climatic Conditions

Tree and shrub care also involve climate conditions. For example, you do not want to plant a warm weather-loving tree in an area that experiences hard freezes. Therefore, pay attention to the tree or shrub’s climate rating before planting it in front of your business.

Tree Health & Disease

Trees are susceptible to diseases, though most are specie specific. Tree risk assessments can help. While inspecting the plant for insects and other pests, check for conditions like leaf mold and rot. Catching the problem early can mean saving the plant and replacing it.

Call the Tree & Shrub Care Experts at Coastal Spray

Tree and shrub care can be a full-time job. It’s why businesses often turn to professionals for their landscaping needs. Reach out to the tree and shrub experts at Coastal Spray to keep your commercial landscaping green and healthy. Additionally, we offer the following services:

Contact us today!